Topband: Good Conditions or Just Activity?
Tim Shoppa
tshoppa at
Fri Dec 1 09:16:56 EST 2017
I was happy to work two “new to me” European callsigns on 160M last night and heard many of the EU topband regulars warming up for this weekends contest. Seemed decent enough conditions to me.
80M seemed particularly good last night to Asiatic Russia.
Tim N3QE
> On Dec 1, 2017, at 5:39 AM, Roger Kennedy <roger at> wrote:
> Well I came on 160 when I got in from a gig last night, around 23.30Z . . .
> And ended up working 35 NA stations! Including across to Texas and several
> Midwest states . . . brilliant!
> However . . . was it good conditions? Or just the fact that a lot of
> stations were active?
> I note that my reports from RBN stations were just the same as usual . . .
> yet when calling CQ DX it often results in NO replies!
> And the stations I worked last night weren't particularly strong - only one
> just peaked S9, whereas the "big signals" historically would be much
> stronger than that, when conditions are good.
> (I also came on again just before sunrise . . . and as I've noted before, NO
> Sunrise Peak! Didn't hear any Europeans work any DX at this time . . . and
> my RBN reports were way down)
> Roger G3YRO
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