Topband: Good Conditions or Just Activity?

Mark K3MSB mark.k3msb at
Fri Dec 1 10:14:28 EST 2017

Hi Roger

I would suspect activity.

This weened during the CQ WW CW contest our club worked 86 countries on
15M.  We were running 100W into a 3 element beam.   Nice openings to Africa
and a delightful long path opening to the Pacific around 2100Z Saturday.

The sun spot number was  0.

I commented to my team mates that if there was no contest I doubt you would
have heard any activity on 15M.

Looking forward to this weekend’s festivities…..    I heard you calling CQ
last evening but a bunch of stations answered so I moved on down the band.

Mark K3MSB

On Dec 1, 2017 9:03 AM, "Roger Kennedy" <roger at>

> Well I came on 160 when I got in from a gig last night, around 23.30Z . . .
> And ended up working 35 NA stations!  Including across to Texas and several
> Midwest states . . . brilliant!
> However . . . was it good conditions?  Or just the fact that a lot of
> stations were active?
> I note that my reports from RBN stations were just the same as usual . . .
> yet when calling CQ DX it often results in NO replies!
> And the stations I worked last night weren't particularly strong - only one
> just peaked S9, whereas the "big signals" historically would be much
> stronger than that, when conditions are good.
> (I also came on again just before sunrise . . . and as I've noted before,
> NO
> Sunrise Peak!  Didn't hear any Europeans work any DX at this time . . . and
> my RBN reports were way down)
> Roger G3YRO
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