Topband: future of ham radio

Bob Wolters bobw5xc at
Sat Oct 28 12:00:21 EDT 2017

Is there another more appropriate forum/reflector for discussions of different modes and operating habits and history ?

A place to discuss personal beliefs ?

The below were just a few examples of the discussions filling up the topband mailbox and my mail box this week and
seem to have little to do with top band itself.  They are NOT directed at Mike or Roger below.

Thanks in advance and 73,

Bob                 W5XC

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of W0MU Mike Fatchett
Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2017 9:31 AM
To: topband at
Subject: Re: Topband: future of ham radio


Do you work FT8?  Have you attempted to work any DX on FT8?  It takes some skill.

There are different skillsets required.  I could argue it takes little skill to buy a 10kw amplifier a remote radio membership and use remote receivers all over the world takes little skill too.

Please stop demeaning others that happen to like a part of the hobby you do not.   What is interesting to you is not interesting to others.

Did you read where there are more FT8 uploads to Clublog than SSB and CW combined?  Sorry this is a great thing for the hobby. People are making contacts and actually using the bands.


On 10/28/2017 3:42 AM, Roger Kennedy wrote:
> I appreciate the point about trying to get youngsters interested in 
> the hobby . . .
> However, the trouble with the computer-based Digital modes is that 
> there is no SKILL involved in having a contact - it's your Computer having a contact!
> That lack of skill and therefore achievement is what gets people 
> hooked into a hobby - if there's none they will quickly become bored.
> Look what happened with the countless new Amateurs (with new
> easy-to-get-licences) who just came on VHF and used Repeaters - they 
> quickly got bored and most are now inactive, unless they were 
> fortunate to have someone show them how satisfying making REAL contacts can be.
> The same can be said about Motor Racing . . . if the cars people used 
> getting into the sport all had ABS, Traction Control, Automatic 
> Transmission etc etc it would be pretty boring and they'd soon lose interest.
> 73 Roger G3YRO
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