Topband: WD8DSB & LU5OM 160 meter year long test complete

VK3HJ vk3hj_luke at
Fri Aug 3 01:20:54 EDT 2018

I have heard Manuel a couple of times, just, but VK3 to anywhere east of the 
west coast of South America is difficult.

Thankfully, I do have one QSO confirmed with him from two years ago.

As far as regulars heard, I would have to mention AA1K, N0FW and K4IQJ, 
amongst others. At the very least, I can hear them pretty well every evening 

One particularly notable station worked here many times was HC1PF. Luis was 
a beacon every evening here a few years ago, until he moved back to Italy.

I have six 268 m Beverage antennas, on a quiet rural property, so I do year 
very well.


Luke VK3HJ 

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