Topband: making a bev seem longer

donovanf at donovanf at
Mon Aug 6 13:52:34 EDT 2018

Hi Ron, 

A short Beverage -- regardless of its velocity factor -- has the radiation 
pattern of a short Beverage. You can't improve the performance 
of a Beverage antenna by lowering its velocity factor. That's why 
BOGs have a radiation pattern similar to an elevated Beverage of 
the same length, except that a BOG has more loss than an elevated 
Beverage especially for signals arriving at low angles. 

A BOG is an excellent choice when stealth is the driving requirement, 
otherwise arrays of short verticals provide significantly superior 
performance compared to BOG or short Beverage occupying the same 
physical space. 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Ron Spencer" <ron.e.spencer at> 
To: "Topband at Contesting. Com" <Topband at> 
Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 4:49:36 PM 
Subject: Topband: making a bev seem longer 

Taking the chance to show my ignorance :) 

Here is my thinking. While adding cores along the length of a beverage may 
make it appear electrically longer, how can that help its performance? 

I'd think that the true mechanical length is what matters. Each inch/ foot/ 
meter of the wire is what "gathers" the signal. A 300' (actual length) will 
gather more signal than a 200' beverage. Making it look electrically longer 
won't change this will it? 

Same as a 100' tall tower will be a better transmitting antenna than a 43' 

Good DX 

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