Topband: 4.3 -10 Re: Rather use N-type (was Re: The answer to PL-259
Wayne Kline
w3ea at
Mon Dec 10 13:58:00 EST 2018
I am not famillar with the 4.3-10 jacks so my response me not be on target.
I only use RG 400 inside my shack or outside in WX proof boxed as inerr jumpers
I use ones from on FleaBay from China 10 pc PL259 mail for 11.95 free shipping crimp/solder and use heat shrink for strain relief…
Was sweep through a HP TDR and no significant imp bumps at HF Freq. was a blip at 220 and above but that’s N connector terratory.
Wayne W3EA
Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10
From: Topband <topband-bounces at> on behalf of john at <john at>
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2018 7:35:26 AM
To: topband at
Subject: Re: Topband: 4.3 -10 Re: Rather use N-type (was Re: The answer to PL-259
A few months ago I purchased a few sample 4.3-10 jacks and plugs. I have
not tried them yet but the jacks are close in size to N/UHF so replacement
should be easy. At the time they were a little difficult to find but they
seem to be gaining popularity. I think Arunas is correct that they will
soon be on the surplus market. It looks like a nice connector. I have not
found any solder/clamp type in the RG400 size yet.
John KK9A
ly2ij wrote:
Hi Frank,
4.3-10 can't be so expensive if compare new to new. E.g. 7/16 to 4.3-10
"brand" adapter bulk price is 10-15% higher than N to 7/16, also price
of few meters prefabricated "jumper cables" with 4.3-10 vs 7/16 differs
in 10-15%.
I hope it revers soon as and also cellular antenna life span is getting
so short -down to few years according some report - so we will have lot
of dismounted stuff soon ;)
The question is if they get popular for other cables than 1/2 and we get
right price there.
73 CU on bands
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