Topband: identifying noise source

Jean-Paul Albert f6fya at
Fri Dec 14 04:22:10 EST 2018

Hi Mac, Hi Guy's,
Never heard that here.It could be an electric insulator problem, maybe some kilometers from your station.Or do you have agricultural activities (corn drying, steamer machine) working at night some where in this direction ?
Here, I have QRM problem with my East Bev due to town, TOURS 200 000 people, located 15 km far.
Good luck to resolve your problem.
See you tonight in the contest.
Jean-Paul F6FYA
73/88 de Jean Paul, F6FYA/TM4Q/TM3Q, REF 35400, UFT 559, CDXC 679, 10.10# 36970./. (QSL info via 

    Le ‎mercredi‎ ‎12‎ ‎décembre‎ ‎2018‎ ‎12‎:‎41‎:‎56‎ ‎CET, Maciej Wieczorek <mw_comercial at> a écrit :  

I recently have some strange, pulsating noise on all 300 deg / NA beverages. 
Maybe someone have already experienced anything like this  - what kind of 
device it can be? Here is a recording on wide filters in AM, around 3,4MHz 
(maximum signal).

It's starts late in the evenings and can be heard till 8-9:00 AM. In 
daylight it gets stronger.

I actually have 2 different RX arrays for NA, the distance is abt 300m from 
each other, but the noise is abt the same level on both antennas. I guess it 
means the source can be even few km's away?

Mac SP2XF/ SN2M 

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