Topband: More radials

Gary Smith Gary at
Sun Dec 16 17:52:32 EST 2018

I had some of the terminal copper braiding 
on my coax's from the remote antenna 
switch to the wire antennas go bad and 
corrode away. I replaced them with new 
coax and while I was at it, I took the 
time to lay out about 8-9 new 100' & 
longer radials on the marsh. 

I used the new plumbing solder on all of 
them to cut down on oxidation. FWIW, I've 
used that stuff on all of my radial 
connections for the last 8-9 years and in 
the salt marsh environment, none of them 
show any oxidation at all. I'm sure lead 
solder would show severe corrosion in this 
environment. This lead free solder is a 
PITA to use on coax but it works. Works 
much better on ring terminals & WD-1A.

Anyway, Here's hoping the effort to get 
those new radials out will garner me some 
better Tx on topband.

Good luck to us all & 73,


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