Topband: Inverted L improvement question

Gary Smith Gary at
Mon Dec 17 17:40:26 EST 2018

Mt 2 pence is I'd do the vertical wire to 
the 100' limb and if possible, get the 
remaining 30 or so feet out as horizontal 
as possible to make an inverted L, you 
have a nice vertical component with 100'.

I have a sloper using a radial bed 
somewhat like yours and it works very 
nicely. I don't need a tuner anymore and I 
think I get out pretty well, all 

73 and good luck,


> Hello,
> Yes, I'm a 160m newbie but have been licensed and active since 1990. I
> have CW/Phone experience on HF but I'm just getting my feet wet on
> 160m. I participated in the ARRL 160 CW contest and had a great time.
> I will also be particiapating in the Stew and the CQ contests in
> January.  I'd like some opinions or thoughs on making my modest
> antenna a little better. I have worked and confirmed 40 states in a
> couple of weeks on CW and FT-8 but the DX (both hearing and
> transmitting to by PSK Reporter stats) has been elusive.
> So, here's my setup. I made an inverted L using a DX Engineering 43'
> vertical and I attached a 90' horizontal wire (that slopes up a
> little) to the top. I have a radial field of 60-70 radials with
> varying lengths from 125' to around 40' with the overall average being
> about 60' in length. I have a remote tuner at the base of the
> vertical. Also, I'm only running 100 watts, so that may be an issue.
> Furthest I've completed and confirmed a QSO is South Africa but
> nothing to Europe. I am in the Seattle, WA area. Overall, I guess I'm
> happy it works at all but I'm ready for some ideas on improvement.
> My situation/question is this: I could, with minimal effort, attach a
> vertical wire to a tree limb at about 100' height right over the
> existing radial field. That would then replace the DX Engineering
> vertical and I would run a horizontal capacitance hat wire from the
> top of the 100' tall wire. My plan would be to use the existing radial
> field, disconnect the current vertical and connect the new wire to the
> tuner/radial field instead.
> Would you wise and experienced Topbanders expect any performance
> increase from the increased vertical length or should I just stick 
> with what I have now? Also, if I do this, what length of wire would be
> recommended for the top horizontal section?
> Any ideas or thoughts would be great. Be gentle...
> 73,
> Todd - NR7RR
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