Topband: Inverted L improvement question

S57AD mirko.s57ad at
Tue Dec 18 14:22:10 EST 2018

Hello Todd,

my experiences were pretty limited, but I would suggest you about 150' of
wire (to 100' height, the rest horizontally), with air variable capacitor
in series with the wire to cancel inductive reactance. Some 500 - 800 pF
would be OK,  It will tune antenna nicely without any need for external
tuners and such a stuff. Beware that inverted L is noisy antenna and you
will need receiving one (ones).  And do not expect huge EU pile-ups with
your 100W, HI

73,  Mirko, S57AD

V V pon., 17. dec. 2018 ob 21:55 je oseba Todd Goins <tgoins at>

> Hello,
> Yes, I'm a 160m newbie but have been licensed and active since 1990. I have
> CW/Phone experience on HF but I'm just getting my feet wet on 160m. I
> participated in the ARRL 160 CW contest and had a great time. I will also
> be particiapating in the Stew and the CQ contests in January.  I'd like
> some opinions or thoughs on making my modest antenna a little better. I
> have worked and confirmed 40 states in a couple of weeks on CW and FT-8 but
> the DX (both hearing and transmitting to by PSK Reporter stats) has been
> elusive.
> So, here's my setup. I made an inverted L using a DX Engineering 43'
> vertical and I attached a 90' horizontal wire (that slopes up a little) to
> the top. I have a radial field of 60-70 radials with varying lengths from
> 125' to around 40' with the overall average being about 60' in length. I
> have a remote tuner at the base of the vertical. Also, I'm only running 100
> watts, so that may be an issue. Furthest I've completed and confirmed a QSO
> is South Africa but nothing to Europe. I am in the Seattle, WA area.
> Overall, I guess I'm happy it works at all but I'm ready for some ideas on
> improvement.
> My situation/question is this: I could, with minimal effort, attach a
> vertical wire to a tree limb at about 100' height right over the existing
> radial field. That would then replace the DX Engineering vertical and I
> would run a horizontal capacitance hat wire from the top of the 100' tall
> wire. My plan would be to use the existing radial field, disconnect the
> current vertical and connect the new wire to the tuner/radial field
> instead.
> Would you wise and experienced Topbanders expect any performance increase
> from the increased vertical length or should I just stick  with what I have
> now? Also, if I do this, what length of wire would be recommended for the
> top horizontal section?
> Any ideas or thoughts would be great. Be gentle...
> 73,
> Todd - NR7RR
> _________________
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> Reflector

Mirko S57AD

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