Topband: launching lines over trees

terry burge ki7m at
Thu Dec 27 15:17:34 EST 2018

My experience with sling shots has been dismal and dangerous. I've had the lead weights come back at me or go off in other directions. And anyone who can put a line over a hundred foot tree I'll take my hat off too. About 40 foot was my height as I recall. That was with one of these sling shots that have the fold over arm rest that are supposedly better than home brew jobs. Also, when the tubing breaks you can't find the right size and what you do find you can't get over the ends of the metal frame. 

The air launched 2 oz. was better but from a restricted suburban lot can be dangerous, especially if the fishing line breaks sending the weight who knows where. My CSV19 I talked about awhile back is quite capable of shooting a line over a 150- fir tree, I've done it. The big thing is remember to open the bail on the fishing spool. Another thing maybe is to get good at judging how much pressure to use. Right now I have a 'lost' tennis ball hanging from my third set of guy wires on my tower that I think will be there for several years. Snap that 30# woven line and you don't know if you will ever find your tennis ball again. Days later, 'oh, there's that tennis ball I shot'. Thought I looked there before' type of thing. At least I've got a bit more room now in the country.

Best I've found. Now, if I could just figure out how to get some tree branches down that restrict my 4-square 3/16" dacron tie lines. Good luck using one of the other methods. I once saw my friend Steve, WB7OTR launch a weighted line over a rafter indoors about 45-50' high which was something I'll never in my best days be able to do. Did this while setting up a ham station at the Douglas County fairgrounds in Roseburg for the Umpqua Valley ham club. Funny, they never invited us back? Steve  was in the Coast Guard so maybe he got practice. 'how'd you do that?'


> On December 27, 2018 at 10:58 AM Mike Furrey <mikefurrey at> wrote:
> Nice and Expensive! I use a $10 wrist rocket, a $5 spin-casting rod~n~reel from a yard sale, 3/4 oz fishing weight, ask someone to hold my beer, and tell everyone to go hide  ... 
> --------------------------------------------
> On Thu, 12/27/18, terry burge <ki7m at> wrote:
>  Subject: Topband: launching lines over trees
>  To: topband at, "terry burge" <ki7m at>
>  Date: Thursday, December 27, 2018, 4:20 AM
>  Let me see if I can paste a link here. Using
>  Windows 10 copy and paste never seems to work right for me.
>  Anyway, this place has the most 'serious' line launchers
>  I've ever come across. 
>  Take a look. (my copy and paste
>  worked!).
>  Terry
>  KI7M
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