Topband: SP

Gary Smith Gary at
Sun Dec 30 16:44:48 EST 2018


I had a lot of fun in the SP contest 
though I couldn't really devote nearly as 
much time to it as I wanted. I pretty much 
only called CQ at the very end, giving 
those running the points for QRP. Still, 
not bad; 152 Q's for 1326 points.

Thanks to the HI-Z Circle 8 and HI-Z 
Triangular working diversity, I heard a 
whole lot that didn't hear my QRP signal. 
I didn't keep track but I heard easily 20 
different countries that didn't hear me. 
KH6LC had the best ears this year LZ9W 
came in 2nd.

Using Diversity in the K3s, I was using 
the HI-Z Circle 8 and triangular. I used 
the new HI-Z Encoders for control of the 
two arrays. It made utilizing the K3s's 
Diversity go to a new level, they made 
pulling in the best SNR for a given 
station so much easier than using the 
analog versions. Just much more efficient 
to find the best conditions for reception, 
I love them.

I found the DX was really present during 
this contest, thought that would not be 
the case with the intense storms that had 
just passed through but amazingly, there 
was little atmospheric to interfere and 
the DX was everywhere. I have the AMTRAK 
RFI and the neighbors RFI to have to deal 
with but aiming to the NE cut out so much 
noise. With that, I could hear much more 
than usual.

Worked W1BB, now the SP memorial station, 
and as I had never worked Stew (never had 
a real 160 antenna till 08), it's nice to 
have that in the log.

I have to get something better regarding 
my TX antenna. Impossible to have a tower 
on my property and though I want to 
relocate, getting a property where I can 
put up a tower up with elevated radials is 
getting slimmer by the year, we're all 
getting older and I just can't do it all 

I used to have an INV-L, using an above 
tall Oak as my fixture for the vertical 
but it came down a few years back and 
since I can't move the radial bed, I have 
to shoot the wire over trees farther away 
and now what was the L, is now a sloper. I 
know that has some bearing on my Tx and 
takeoff angle. 

I keep thinking I should try an experiment 
and disconnect the radials from the 160 
wire, add elevated radials to it and then 
pull the end of the wire up so the 
feed-point is 10' off the ground. That 
might give me lower angles than I have now 
with roughly 50 130' Radials. Doing that, 
I could make it an L again, still wouldn't 
be as high as the original though, that 
initial tree was the tallest one around.

I always look forward to Topband contests.

73 & HNY to us all,


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