Topband: Condx for Stew Perry!

Chortek, Robert L. Robert.Chortek at
Mon Dec 31 14:19:51 EST 2018

Wow!  33 EU stations.  That’s an incredible accomplishment!!!!!

I made exactly 0 EU contacts - didn’t even hear a single one.  Did manage to work a few Asiatic Russian stations and the usual Pacific stations from my 1/4 city lot in San Jose, California.


Bob AA6VB 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 31, 2018, at 10:53 AM, Jim - WS6X <ws6x.ars at> wrote:
> Topbanders,
> In spite of constant heavy QRN throughout the contest, I had a personal best
> for the number of EU worked in one evening/night. Before this weekend my
> best was 19 EU worked in a local evening / night. This weekend, Saturday
> evening from 2222 to 0514 when I went to bed, I worked 33 EU stations,
> representing 17 countries!
> Because of family comings and goings I didn't get out to the shack until
> about 2210. I turned on the radio and heard DR5X calling CQ! He was in the
> log after one call. I did a few minutes of S & P-ing to check out the band.
> At ~2230 I began calling CQ. The very first station to call me was UW2M! I
> knew it was going to be a good night!
> Generally, I don't like to call CQ on 160 because of my paranoia of being an
> alligator. But after 5 or so EU stations called, I got a new shot of
> "CQ-itis" and spent most of my time running. There were several stations I
> simply could not separate from the QRN, and I'm sure there numerous others
> that I never heard at all. So I apologize to those who tried but didn't make
> it.
> I experienced another first... A DK0 started calling "CQ test" zero-beat on
> my run frequency. I tried my best to shoo him with the "QRL, pse QSY"
> routine, all to no avail. He was loud enough that I could not have heard
> weak stations, so I moved on. How's that for humiliation? Giving up a run
> frequency to a DK while blasting with 1.5 kW!!
> Speaking of alligators... There were a few out there. One HB9 simply could
> not hear any of the EC major contest stations calling. On Sunday morning,
> near my SR, there was an N7 (with a WC grid locator) CQ-ng with a 20 over
> signal. I could not even get a hesitation from him!! Then there are the CQ
> Machines that don't pause long enough to even get a "WS" out the door!
> Once again, the SP proves to be a great contest. Thanks for all the Qs, and
> a special thanks to all whose patience allowed me to ride out the static
> crashes to get you in the log.
> 73 es HNY!
> Jim - WS6X
> _________________
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