Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 181, Issue 5

Ed Sawyer sawyered at
Sat Jan 6 10:18:51 EST 2018

Bob, Thanks for your Topband efforts from HS.  Still a needed zone for me
(and I am sure many) on topband.  In fact one of just a couple I still need
on 80M.

The path to Vermont is a tough one.  I only heard you once, sometime over
the holiday time, despite many times looking for you once spotted.

Using 800 ft long terminated beverages here with preamps as possible with
noise floor.

Hoping for better polar path conditions over the next 2 - 3 years.

73 and Thank you!

Ed  N1UR

Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2018 03:53:18 +0000 (UTC)
From: Bob Kupps <n6bk at>
To: TopBand List <topband at>
Subject: Topband: HS0ZIA
Message-ID: <1740963086.794674.1515124398742 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Hi HS0ZIA is now CL until May. I logged 294 unique calls in the last 6 weeks
of part time activity (I do not live at the station) on 160m outside of any
contest activity and those who seem to want another QSO every day, mostly in
EU and AS. I spent most of the SP test listening for the big stations but
the only NA I was able to hear or work this year was located in western USA
using a full size 8 circle TX array. The HiZ monoband 8 circle RX array here
appears to be working very well but I hope to improve our RX capability in
the propagated tropical QRN soon with 2 HWF arrays that I will try to phase
with each other as well as work in diversity with the HiZ 8 circle using the
fabulous Flex 6700 RX. Hopefully low band conditions will improve as we
approach the bottom of the solar cycle and we can QSO more NA stations on
topband this coming fall...
73 Bob HS0ZIA

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