January 2018 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Jan 1 01:29:16 EST 2018
Ending: Wed Jan 31 22:55:53 EST 2018
Messages: 323
- Topband: "use" of webSDR
Johann Bruinier
- Topband: (no subject)
Carl Jonsson
- Topband: (no subject)
Hans Hjelmström
- Topband: (no subject)
Carl Jonsson
- Topband: (no subject)
Carl Jonsson
- Topband: 160m DX Activity Night
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: 160m DX Activity Night
Tim Shoppa
- Topband: 160m DX Activity Night
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: 160m DX Activity Night
w5zn at w5zn.org
- Topband: 160m DX Activity Night
Wes Stewart
- Topband: 160m DX Activity Night
Mark K3MSB
- Topband: 160m DX Activity Night
- Topband: 160m DX Activity Night
lennart.michaelsson at telia.com
- Topband: 160m DX Activity Night
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: 160m DX Activity Night
Don Kirk
- Topband: 160m DX Activity Night
Mark K3MSB
- Topband: 160m DX Activity Night
Don Kirk
- Topband: 160m DX Activity Night
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: 160m DX Activity Night
- Topband: 160m DX Activity Night
- Topband: 160m DX Activity Night
Joe Giacobello, K2XX
- Topband: 160 meters hot between Midwest US and Europe the last few mornings.
Don Kirk
- Topband: 2018 Visalia Top Band Dinner
wb6rse1 at mac.com
- Topband: 81 Years A Ham
- Topband: 81 Years A s Han
- Topband: [KesslerEngineering_ATAUTO] Re: Remote use of Palstar
Raymond Benny
- Topband: Adding a parasitic reflector to a vertical
- Topband: Adding a parasitic reflector to a vertical
- Topband: Adding a parasitic reflector to a vertical
- Topband: Adding a parasitic reflector to a vertical
Tim Duffy
- Topband: Adding a parasitic reflector to a vertical
Tim Duffy
- Topband: Adding chicken wire or mesh on top of radial field
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: Adding chicken wire or mesh on top of radial field
Bryon Paul Veal NØAH
- Topband: Adding chicken wire or mesh on top of radial field
Mike DeChristopher
- Topband: Adding chicken wire or mesh on top of radial field
Eugene Colton
- Topband: Adding chicken wire or mesh on top of radial field
Bryon Paul Veal NØAH
- Topband: Announcing the 2018 Dayton TopBand Dinner - 29th Annual Event!
Tim Duffy K3LR
- Topband: Antenna at a sea cliff
PY1NB - Felipe Ceglia
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
Thomas Hoyer
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
Petr Ourednik
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
Dale Putnam
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
Tim Duffy
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
Ken Boasi
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
Petr Ourednik
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
daraymond at iowatelecom.net
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
Nick Hall-Patch
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
Thomas Hoyer
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
Wes Stewart
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
daraymond at iowatelecom.net
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
Ralph Parker
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
Nick Hall-Patch
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
Mike Waters
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
Victor Goncharsky
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: Band Open - But No Sunrise Peak
- Topband: Bounced log submission
Art Heft
- Topband: Bounced log submission
- Topband: Bounced log submission
Mark Schoonover
- Topband: Bury beverage wire?
- Topband: Bury beverage wire?
k8gg at voyager.net
- Topband: Bury beverage wire?
Mike DeChristopher
- Topband: Bury beverage wire?
Dick Grolleman
- Topband: Bury beverage wire?
David Cutter
- Topband: Bury beverage wire?
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Bury beverage wire?
- Topband: Bury beverage wire?
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: C93PA on air on 160m
- Topband: Capacity Hat Wire Size
Bruce Osterberg
- Topband: Capacity Hat Wire Size
Raymond Benny
- Topband: Capacity Hat Wire Size
- Topband: Capacity Hat Wire Size
Don Greenbaum
- Topband: Capacity Hat Wire Size
- Topband: Capacity Hat Wire Size
Mike DeChristopher
- Topband: Capacity Hat Wire Size
Adrian Van Der Byl
- Topband: Capacity Hat Wire Size
Adrian Van Der Byl
- Topband: CATV RG6 with messinger wire for support
terry burge
- Topband: CATV RG6 with messinger wire for support
Brian Pease
- Topband: Change of antenna
John Randall
- Topband: cheating
John Randall
- Topband: cheating
Steve Daniel
- Topband: cheating
Lloyd - N9LB
- Topband: cheating
terry burge
- Topband: cheating
- Topband: cheating
Peter Voelpel
- Topband: cheating
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: cheating
- Topband: cheating
- Topband: cheating
Cecil Acuff
- Topband: Cheating the system
John Randall
- Topband: cheating the system
John Randall
- Topband: Cheating the system
Radio KH6O
- Topband: Choke?
Radio KH6O
- Topband: Choke?
k8gg at voyager.net
- Topband: Choke?
Mike Waters
- Topband: Common mode choke 160m inverted L
- Topband: D10 Field Telephone Cable
Tom Boucher
- Topband: DX Conditions Last Night
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: DX Conditions Last Night
Paul Schaffenberger
- Topband: DX Conditions Last Night
daraymond at iowatelecom.net
- Topband: DX Conditions Last Night
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: DX Conditions Last Night
MU 4CX250B
- Topband: DX Conditions Last Night
VE6WZ Steve
- Topband: DX Conditions Last Night
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: DX Conditions Last Night
- Topband: DX Conditions Last Night
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: E31
Ron Spencer
- Topband: E31
- Topband: E31
Steven R Daniel, D.D.S.
- Topband: E31
Mark K3MSB
- Topband: E31
Victor Goncharsky
- Topband: E31
daraymond at iowatelecom.net
- Topband: E31
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: E31
daraymond at iowatelecom.net
- Topband: E31
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: E31
Don Kirk
- Topband: E31
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: E31
Mike Waters
- Topband: E31A on Topband
Tim Shoppa
- Topband: E31A on Topband
k8gg at voyager.net
- Topband: E31A on Topband
- Topband: Even thought this never works...
- Topband: Even thought this never works...
Mike Waters
- Topband: Even thought this never works...
- Topband: Excellent conditions 08-09 Jan
Mark Lunday
- Topband: Frostfest / Dayton
Eric NO3M
- Topband: Fwd: [TowerTalk] Loss in CCS conductors at low freqs (was Voltage Breakdown For Enameled Wire)
terry burge
- Topband: Fwd: [TowerTalk] Loss in CCS conductors at low freqs (was Voltage Breakdown For Enameled Wire)
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Fwd: [TowerTalk] Loss in CCS conductors at low freqs (was Voltage Breakdown For Enameled Wire)
Brian Pease
- Topband: Fwd: Bury beverage wire?
Tomi Laakkonen
- Topband: Fwd: Re: [TowerTalk] S21 to Rp & Cp - Equivalent Circuit
terry burge
- Topband: Fwd: Re: VU2GSM webSDR use: A Clarification
Joe Giacobello, K2XX
- Topband: Fwd: VU2GSM webSDR use
- Topband: High voltage insulator
Raymond Benny
- Topband: High voltage insulator
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: How to determine impedance
- Topband: How to determine impedance
Mike Waters
- Topband: How to determine impedance
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: How to determine impedance
- Topband: How to determine impedance
Grant Saviers
- Topband: How to determine impedance
John Kaufmann
- Topband: How to determine impedance
Grant Saviers
- Topband: How to determine impedance
- Topband: HS0ZIA
Bob Kupps
- Topband: Hygain 18HT feed question
kg9hfrank at gmail.com
- Topband: Hygain 18HT feed question
Tim Duffy
- Topband: Hygain 18HT feed question
Lloyd - N9LB
- Topband: Kostas' point
John Randall
- Topband: Kostas' point
- Topband: Kostas' point
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: Kostas' point
Jeff Blaine
- Topband: Kostas' point
Dave Heil
- Topband: Kostas' point
Jeff Blaine
- Topband: Kostas' point
Grant Saviers
- Topband: Kostas' point
Dave Heil
- Topband: Kostas' point
Jim Thomson
- Topband: Kostas' point
Drew Vonada-Smith
- Topband: Kostas' point (ENOUGH!)
Victor Goncharsky
- Topband: Looking for experience with DHDL
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Measured Loss in Copper Clad Steel RG-6 on 160 meters
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Measured Loss in Copper Clad Steel RG-6 on 160 meters
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Measured Loss in Copper Clad Steel RG-6 on 160 meters
N2TK, Tony
- Topband: Mixed elevated and ground located radials?
Gary Smith
- Topband: Mixed elevated and ground located radials?
Grant Saviers
- Topband: My beverage only hears static?
terry burge
- Topband: My beverage only hears static?
Mike Waters
- Topband: My beverage only hears static?
terry burge
- Topband: My beverage only hears static?
Mike Waters
- Topband: My beverage only hears static?
- Topband: My beverage only hears static?
- Topband: My beverage only hears static?
terry burge
- Topband: My beverage only hears static?
Ed Sawyer
- Topband: My beverage only hears static?
Lloyd - N9LB
- Topband: My beverage only hears static?
terry burge
- Topband: No 160m Sunrise Peak
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: No 160m Sunrise Peak
Petr Ourednik
- Topband: No 160m Sunrise Peak
k8gg at voyager.net
- Topband: No 160m Sunrise Peak
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: No 160m Sunrise Peak
- Topband: No 160m Sunrise Peak
- Topband: No 160m Sunrise Peak
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: No 160M Sunrise Peak
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: No 160m Sunrise Peak
- Topband: No power line noise in any direction.
Herbert Schoenbohm
- Topband: Pirate on 1.813
Ralph Parker
- Topband: Please unsubscribe
Jim Murray
- Topband: RBOG through radial field
- Topband: RBOG through radial field
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: RBOG through radial field
Mike DeChristopher
- Topband: RBOG through radial field
Grant Saviers
- Topband: sdrWEB not going in my log
terry burge
- Topband: sdrWEB not going in my log
Peter Voelpel
- Topband: sdrWEB not going in my log
Peter Sundberg
- Topband: sdrWEB not going in my log
Jeff Blaine
- Topband: sdrWEB not going in my log
- Topband: sdrWEB not going in my log
Jeff Blaine
- Topband: sdrWEB not going in my log
Nick Hall-Patch
- Topband: sdrWEB not going in my log
terry burge
- Topband: sdrWEB not going in my log
- Topband: sdrWEB not going in my log
Jim Thomson
- Topband: sdrWEB not going in my log
terry burge
- Topband: sdrWEB not going in my log
- Topband: sdrWEB not going in my log
Kostas SV1DPI
- Topband: Stew Perry preliminary results
- Topband: Stew Perry Scores and Log Deadline
- Topband: Sudden propagation suprise
Radio KH6O
- Topband: Sudden propagation suprise
Jeff Kincaid
- Topband: Sunrise and Signals
- Topband: Sunrise openning to Europe vs. west coast propagation
terry burge
- Topband: sunrise peak
Bob Kupps
- Topband: sunrise peak
Bryon Paul Veal NØAH
- Topband: Supporting Ladder line
- Topband: Supporting Ladder line
Jim Garland
- Topband: Supporting Ladder line
- Topband: Supporting Ladder line
jeremy maris
- Topband: Supporting Ladder line
- Topband: Supporting Ladder line
Vic Lindgren
- Topband: Supporting Ladder line
Dave Belville
- Topband: Supporting Ladder line
Dave Belville
- Topband: Supporting Ladder line
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Supporting Ladder line
David Aslin G3WGN
- Topband: Supporting Ladder line
Ryszard Tymkiewicz
- Topband: Supporting Ladder line
Grant Saviers
- Topband: Supporting Ladder line
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Supporting Ladder line
Mike Waters
- Topband: Supporting Ladder line
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Test report
uy0zg at mksat.net
- Topband: The Stew Thanks You
Lew Sayre
- Topband: thr rest of the n7df story
- Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 181, Issue 16
David Olean
- Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 181, Issue 16
terry burge
- Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 181, Issue 20
Pete Rimmel N8PR
- Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 181, Issue 21
Lawrence Stoskopf
- Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 181, Issue 4
Pete Rimmel N8PR
- Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 181, Issue 5
Ed Sawyer
- Topband: unintended text
- Topband: VE6 spotlight condx last night
Steve Babcock
- Topband: VE6 spotlight condx last night
Raymond Benny
- Topband: VE6WZ
- Topband: VE6WZ
Hugh Valentine
- Topband: VE6WZ Audio Files and EU conditions
Steve Babcock
- Topband: VU2CPL 80m
Steve Babcock
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Steve Babcock
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Paul Mclaren
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Steven R Daniel, D.D.S.
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Paul Christensen
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Jim Thomson
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Steve Babcock
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Paul Christensen
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
George Taft
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
kostas sv1dpi
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Wes Stewart
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Steven R Daniel, D.D.S.
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
daraymond at iowatelecom.net
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Ed Sawyer
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
John Harden, D.M.D.
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Bob Kupps
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Wes Stewart
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Doug Renwick
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Ed Sawyer
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Manoj Ramawarrier
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Victor Goncharsky
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Mark van Wijk
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use
Joe Giacobello, K2XX
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use.
- Topband: VU2GSM webSDR use: A Clarification
Jim Thomson
- Topband: WebSDR Cheating
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: WebSDR Cheating
Dave Sharred
- Topband: WebSDR Cheating.
- Topband: WebSDR Cheating.
terry burge
- Topband: WebSDR Cheating.
Sean Waite
- Topband: WebSDR Cheating.
- Topband: WebSDR use and other comments.
- Topband: WebSDR use or not.
- Topband: WireSpear antenna for topbands
Eugene Popov /RA0FF/
- Topband: WireSpear antenna for topbands
Mike Waters
- Topband: WireSpear antenna for topbands
Eugene Popov /RA0FF/
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Bill Stewart
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Bill Stewart
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Lloyd - N9LB
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Mike - W5JR
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Mike Waters
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Bill Stewart
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Bill Stewart
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Mike Waters
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Wes Stewart
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Lloyd - N9LB
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Hal Dale
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Dave Heil
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Stephen Hawkins
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Mike Waters
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Charles Moizeau
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
daraymond at iowatelecom.net
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
daraymond at iowatelecom.net
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Steve Babcock
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Brian Pease
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Don Kirk
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Bill Stewart
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Dave Belville
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Mike Waters
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Jamie WW3S
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Dale Putnam
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Don Kirk
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Don Kirk
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Don Kirk
- Topband: WKYW on 1810kc
Don Kirk
Last message date:
Wed Jan 31 22:55:53 EST 2018
Archived on: Wed Jan 31 22:56:00 EST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).