Topband: Adding chicken wire or mesh on top of radial field

Bryon Paul Veal NØAH bryonveal at
Mon Jan 29 12:58:28 EST 2018

The SWR increase is a good thing as it shows deminishing ground losses exposing the true mismatch of the 50 ohm coax to the impedance of the vertical.  So with a limited radial field, the mesh seemed to help....

My first Inv L back in 1998 with one radial was a flat 1:1 match until W0YG explained to be what was going on.  By the time I added 60 1/4 wave radials, I was at 4:1 at resonance and used an UnUn to match the coax to the vertical for a 1.2:1 match.

Still use the UnUn with my MA160V and MA80/40V .....

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From: Topband <topband-bounces at> on behalf of Eugene Colton <epcolton at>
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 10:50:43 AM
To: W0MU Mike Fatchett
Cc: topband at
Subject: Re: Topband: Adding chicken wire or mesh on top of radial field

My experience it helped a lot on top of my minimal 160 radial field by
adding much wire square footage to the ground radials.  It might not add
much improvement to a very extensive 160 radial field however.  Expect your
SWR to increase somewhat.

On Sat, Jan 27, 2018 at 11:55 AM, W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu at> wrote:

> I have some 6ft wide chicken wire I can roll out on top of my existing
> radial field for 160.  Does anyone have an idea what this might do?
> W0MU
> _________________
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