Topband: Question about KH1 to EU QSO possibilities with respect to auroral oval

Grant Saviers grants2 at
Sat Jul 14 21:50:59 EDT 2018

Agree.  At my QTH 47.6 N (Seattle) the oval is almost always in the way 
to EU so long path on 80 is more reliable winter months if the EU's hang 
around for the west coast sunrise.   So far EU on 160 has been very 
difficult.  Not complaining since I was one of the lucky 120 that worked 
KH1 on TB ft8.

Last night I tried TB FT8 and had decent pskreporter S/N reports to all 
of east coast at 0400Z but nobody there was on the air.  So even with 
summer being "dead" on TB that may not always be true.   No EU reports 
'tho, but not many reporting stations either.

Grant KZ1W

On 7/14/2018 9:49 AM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist wrote:
> There was a lot of discussion about the Baker Is. Dxpedition
> implying that the main impediment as to where they could work
> was mutual darkness.  Here in W6, we have many hours of mutual
> darkness with EU, yet we rarely hear EU on 160 or even 80 meters.
> (Except 80 meter long path during our morning).
> The auroral oval hypothesis seems to be proven by the fact that
> we can still work the Azores and northern Africa, and maybe
> just barely southern Portugal, but nothing farther north.
> Except for occasional exceptional propagation, during which
> EU becomes a chip shot for the night.
> Why should anyone expect to have KH1 to EU propagation directly
> over the north pole even in the presence of mutual darkness,
> except as a rare fluke?
> 73
> Rick N6RK
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