Topband: Laying ground radials

VK3HJ vk3hj_luke at
Wed Jun 6 19:31:06 EDT 2018

Later this year, I plan to lay down an in-ground radial field. I have 
sourced a copper wire supplier and have costed approximately 2000 m of 1.2 
mm bare copper at around $800.

Presently, I use an elevated counterpoise of 4 x quarterwave radials each 
for 180 and 80 m.

I need to lay the wire just under the turf as I have livestock in the 

The radial field will be mostly in shallow mountain soil, with a couple of 
surface granite rocks to negotiate, as well as a large gum tree on one edge 
with many surface roots.

I have a tractor, but feel that this will churn up the ground too much with 
the density of the work to be done. I have a ride-on mower that may be more 

I will need to lay in the radials by hand around the rocks and tree roots, 
but would like to do it more easily for the rest of the job!

What sort of implement can I obtain or create for this job?


Luke VK3HJ

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