Topband: Straws in the Wind ....A 160m Dx'ing Sea Change is Upon us!
Hans Hjelmström
sm6cvx at
Fri Mar 30 12:44:38 EDT 2018
SORRY to say. Of course everyone do what they like to do,
BUT FT8 and ,,,no hearing QSO:s,,, will destroy our hobby.
Same for me last 6 meter season . Had a 1 hour opening on 6 meter from Florida, to Minnesota and California on CW,,,,BUT made 7 QSO during 1 hour of open band. Most people were on FT8 making ,,,,,contacts ? computer to computer , and very very
few on SSB or CW. FT8 should be ok IF signal were minimum minus 1 db.
Everything below that,you can not hear…..
Sorry. Lets TRY to activate 6 meter coming season on SSB and CW as much
as we enjoy,and ,,,,may be ,,, we see a change back to normal.
Kind regards
> 30 mar 2018 kl. 18:12 skrev Jim N7US <jim at>:
> I also observed the same on 6M last summer when the switch was flipped and
> FT8 replaced CW and SSB on 6M. I've enjoyed 6M for only a few years, but I
> lost all interest, despite my 6L SteppIR and KPA500, when that happened.
> I've had a handful of FT8 QSOs early on, but I got no satisfaction using it.
> It wasn't FUN for me.
> I have simple, wire antennas for 80 and 160 but I've enjoyed those bands for
> many years. I was elated to work 3B9C on 160 from AZ in 2004 using a half
> sloper (yes, at his SR).
> I also enjoy RTTY and am almost on that Honor Roll, though the RTTY DXCC was
> changed to the Digital DXCC a few years ago. All of my contacts are on
> RTTY, with none on PSK or other digital modes, so that has lost some of its
> appeal.
> I sold my 87A but still have my KPA500 while I wait for my KPA1500. I am
> questioning whether I should buy it given the rush to FT8.
> Maybe I'm a "grumpy old man" but I don't think I'll mind eventually
> downsizing with a simpler station because the hobby will have changed. I'd
> even be OK with RHR from "the home" but I wouldn't use it for competition.
> Contesting, including CWops' CWTs, is still fun, but DXing won't be the
> same.
> 73, Jim N7US
> -----Original Message-----
> IMHO, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the demise of CW (alas).
> Between FT8 and RHR, topband standings as we have known them are virtually
> meaningless. The guy with a backyard vertical, reasonable radial system,
> and 100w can easily accomplish on topband (and get equal DXCC credit) what
> has historically taken a significant effort. . .QRO, large antennas/arrays,
> and receive antennas. As for the DXpeditions, they will quickly migrate to
> this mode with the improving QSO throughput as it requires comparatively
> little skill on the part of the operators. For me personally, it is
> disappointing to watch it all unfold. But unfold, it will. 73. .
> .Dave, W0FLS
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