Topband: Straws in the Wind ....A 160m Dx'ing Sea Change is Upon us!

Jim N7US jim at
Fri Mar 30 12:12:01 EDT 2018

I also observed the same on 6M last summer when the switch was flipped and
FT8 replaced CW and SSB on 6M.  I've enjoyed 6M for only a few years, but I
lost all interest, despite my 6L SteppIR and KPA500, when that happened.  

I've had a handful of FT8 QSOs early on, but I got no satisfaction using it.
It wasn't FUN for me.

I have simple, wire antennas for 80 and 160 but I've enjoyed those bands for
many years.  I was elated to work 3B9C on 160 from AZ in 2004 using a half
sloper (yes, at his SR).

I also enjoy RTTY and am almost on that Honor Roll, though the RTTY DXCC was
changed to the Digital DXCC a few years ago.  All of my contacts are on
RTTY, with none on PSK or other digital modes, so that has lost some of its

I sold my 87A but still have my KPA500 while I wait for my KPA1500.  I am
questioning whether I should buy it given the rush to FT8.

Maybe I'm a "grumpy old man" but I don't think I'll mind eventually
downsizing with a simpler station because the hobby will have changed.  I'd
even be OK with RHR from "the home" but I wouldn't use it for competition.

Contesting, including CWops' CWTs, is still fun, but DXing won't be the

73, Jim N7US

-----Original Message-----

IMHO, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the demise of CW (alas). 
Between FT8 and RHR, topband standings as we have known them are virtually
meaningless.  The guy with a  backyard vertical, reasonable radial system,
and 100w can easily accomplish on topband (and get equal DXCC credit) what
has historically taken a significant effort. . .QRO, large antennas/arrays,
and receive antennas.  As for the DXpeditions, they will quickly migrate to
this mode with the improving QSO throughput as it requires comparatively 
little skill on the part of the operators.   For me personally, it is 
disappointing to watch it all unfold.  But unfold, it will.           73. . 
.Dave, W0FLS

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