Topband: low inv-vee

Wes Stewart wes_n7ws at
Fri Mar 30 19:29:08 EDT 2018

1)  I have yet to (and likely never will) install an RX only antenna.  Hence, I 
receive on the same inverted-L I transmit on.  It's been my experience that I 
still hear better than I get out with 500W.  Perhaps it is just operator skill 
that makes it possible.  :-)

2)  "Poor" is rather subjective.  Compared to some fellow club members who run 
NA7TB I have a poor antenna.  Compared to others with 40 foot verticals in deed 
restricted locations, I have a great antenna.

Regardless, I completed working my TB DXCC this season, which was my goal.

Wes  N7WS

On 3/30/2018 10:47 AM, Rob Atkinson wrote:
> 1.  You never use an inverted L or other vertical for receiving,
> unless maybe, you are in a QTH so remote and noise free it might work.
> But in-town, forget it.
> 2,  From my experience, 7 or 8 out of 10 hams on 160 m., have poor
> antennas, usually low horizontal wires.  Most of these fellows are
> casual operators who ragchew and are okay as long as they understand
> the limits of their antennas.
> Rob
> K5UJ
> _________________
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