Topband: Straws in the Wind ....A 160m Dx'ing

John K9UWA john at
Fri Mar 30 20:42:12 EDT 2018

Horrors FT8  and Digital JT65 etc?

REAL Horrors QRO stations making contacts on FT8?

Horrors SSB that Donald Duck stuff isn't PHONE?

Horrors RTTY REAL hams do CW and PHONE?

Horrors Multiple Guess FCC tests for hams?

Horrors No Code Hams?

Horrors using a Computer to Log your contacts?

Horrors Computer Duping in contests?

Horrors using Packet Cluster?

Horrors using 2 mtr spotting network among your local buddies?

Horrors using Echo Link?


Horrors using QRO said the QRP'er?

Horors making the Black Hole of the Midwest compete against the East Coast 
Wall of signals evenly in a contest? 

Horrors RHR?

Horrors Messing up the Ham Bands with some Silly Contest? Everybody is 
FiveNine even if you can't hear them?

Horrors Messing up the "Nets" 

Horrors working DX from a "List" When Last Heard u were 4//5 4/5 4/5 Net guy.. 
give him the last number again?

Horrors making me with the dipole in the attic compete even up in contests with 
the guys with 4 hi stacks of monobanders?

The list goes on and on. Yet the above is the progression of Ham Radio. None of 
us do all of it. All of us do Some of it.

Everyone has an OPINION as to what is OK and what is Not OK by their rules and 
morals. Probably an honest poll of all on the topband reflector I doubt you would 
get many votes on the above list that were identical as to yes, no or maybe on 
every point above. Given a bit of time I am sure I could think up a few more. 

John k9uwa
John Goller, K9UWA & Jean Goller, N9PXF 
Antique Radio Restorations
k9uwa at
Visit our Web Site at:
4836 Ranch Road
Leo, IN 46765

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