Topband: Why no NA 160m Activity?

Gary Smith Gary at
Wed Oct 17 18:26:55 EDT 2018

Hi Roger,

We did QSO a couple of days ago but that 
doesn't change your question. It's a good 
question and there's been some important 
answers thus far.

I can say that I haven't had as many 
people in your direction coming back to me 
as I did a few years ago. That might be 
because I need to replace some connections 
at the radial plate though they do seem 
good visually. I probably should replace 
coax between the coax box to the 
individual wire antennas (though I do want 
to migrate them all to one feed-point and 
bypass the remote switch). Or, the band 
might not be ready to give it up, yet.

I do see a lot of FT8 here, done some on 
160 myself but I rarely have seen any DX 
on 160, scarcer than hen's teeth for me 
anyway. Looking at my log, the only FT8 DX 
I have worked on 160 is VE, I'm guessing 
most others have the same results so I 
doubt it's FT8 that is the problem.

I don't hear well at this QTH till later 
on in the season because of the RFI from 
arcing on train electrical lines next to 
me. When the band is quieter from the QRN, 
my directional antennas I have here really 
help pick out DX from the noise.

I'm still a CW guy for DX, always will be, 
I suspect the 160 DXers will mostly be the 
same so keep listening for NA on CW.



> I know you guys in North America have a lot of Lightning & Static
> problems in the summer . . . but surely that's all gone now?
> If so, why is there so little activity on CW from NA on Top Band?
> Every night there's usually a load of us Europeans on from your Sunset
> time, calling CQ DX.
> The band is clearly open, from the RBN signal reports . . . but I'll
> often come on for at least an hour, and lucky if I have 3 or 4 QSOs ! 
> And even then, it tends to be none of the big signals.
> What makes it even more frustrating is that there's usually LOADS of
> people posting FT8 contacts on the 160m DX Cluster . . . but very few
> proper CW Stations !
> Roger G3YRO
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