October 2018 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Oct 1 11:47:37 EDT 2018
Ending: Wed Oct 31 15:25:49 EDT 2018
Messages: 236
- Topband: 160 Activity
Ralph Matheny
- Topband: 160 Activity
james soto
- Topband: 160m Activity
- Topband: 160m Activity
Paul Kiesel
- Topband: 160m Activity
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: 160 Meter Beacon
Bill Stewart
- Topband: 160m Parasitic array
- Topband: 160m Parasitic array (VE6WZ_Steve)
Tom Boucher
- Topband: [cwops] Topband season looking good
Raoul Coetzee
- Topband: Adding chicken wire or mesh on top of radial field
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Adding chicken wire or mesh on top of radial field
Phil Duff
- Topband: Adding chicken wire or mesh on top of radial field
Yuri Blanarovich
- Topband: A fix for no activity?
- Topband: antenna analyzers
- Topband: antenna analyzers
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: antenna analyzers
Wes Stewart
- Topband: antenna analyzers
Jeff Blaine
- Topband: antenna analyzers
Wes Stewart
- Topband: Beverage F/B using oscillator
Ashraf Chaabane
- Topband: Beverage F/B using oscillator
Greg - ZL3IX
- Topband: Beverage F/B using oscillator
F Z_Bruce
- Topband: Beverage F/B using oscillator
pa5mw at home.nl
- Topband: Beverage F/B using oscillator
F Z_Bruce
- Topband: Beverage F/B using oscillator
Edward Sawyer
- Topband: Beverage F/B using oscillator
Jose Orellana - EA7BJ
- Topband: Beverage F/B using oscillator
Ashraf Chaabane
- Topband: Common Mode
Rodman, David
John Randall
Mike Waters
Dale Putnam
Mike Waters
- Topband: Elevated Radial Lengths
Dennis W0JX
- Topband: elevated radials
- Topband: elevated radials
Chuck Dietz
- Topband: elevated radials
Roy Koeppe
- Topband: elevated radials
Mike Furrey
- Topband: elevated radials
John Kaufmann
- Topband: elevated radials
Mike Waters
- Topband: elevated radials
Grant Saviers
- Topband: elevated radials
John Kaufmann
- Topband: elevated radials
Grant Saviers
- Topband: FW: [cwops] Topband season looking good
n4is at n4is.com
- Topband: FW: [cwops] Topband season looking good
Raymond Benny
- Topband: FW: [cwops] Topband season looking good
John Harden, D.M.D.
- Topband: FW: [cwops] Topband season looking good
Tim Shoppa
- Topband: FW: [cwops] Topband season looking good
Wes Stewart
- Topband: FW: Isolated F81 F Barrel Connector
Paul Christensen
- Topband: FW: Isolated F81 F Barrel Connector
Paul Christensen
- Topband: Fwd: Re: VE1ZZ Nite
- Topband: Fwd: Re: VE1ZZ Nite
F Z_Bruce
- Topband: Fwd: Re: VE1ZZ Nite
Mike Waters
- Topband: Gamma match success
- Topband: Gamma match success
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Gamma match success
Edward Sawyer
- Topband: Gamma match success
Herbert Schoenbohm
- Topband: Gamma match success
Tim Shoppa
- Topband: Gamma match success
David Olean
- Topband: Gamma match success
- Topband: Got 40 meter dipole and 80 meter Comek 4-Square up in the air
terry burge
- Topband: Historical note: Radial Depth
Donald Chester
- Topband: Historical note: Radial Depth
David Harmon
- Topband: Historical note: Radial Depth
Mike & Becca Krzystyniak
- Topband: Historical note: Radial Depth
Zivney, Terry
- Topband: Historical note: Radial Depth
F Z_Bruce
- Topband: Historical note: Radial Depth
n4is at n4is.com
- Topband: Historical note: Radial Depth
Jim - WS6X
- Topband: Historical note: Radial Depth
Raymond Benny
- Topband: Historical note: Radial Depth
Dennis OConnor
- Topband: Historical note: Radial Depth
Gene Smar
- Topband: Historical note: Radial Depth
Donald Chester
- Topband: ICE 402X BCB Filter
Jim - WS6X
- Topband: In L in Tree
Mike Waters
- Topband: In L in Tree
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Inverted L trap concoction
rick darwicki
- Topband: Inv L in Tree
Gary Smith
- Topband: Inv L in Tree
Brian Campbell
- Topband: Inv L in Tree
- Topband: Inv L in Tree
F Z_Bruce
- Topband: Inv L in Tree
- Topband: Inv L with FCP Tuning
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Isolated F81 F Barrel Connector
Paul Christensen
- Topband: Isolated F81 F Barrel Connector
Steve Maki
- Topband: Isolated F81 F Barrel Connector
lee at k7tjr.com
- Topband: Isolated F81 F Barrel Connector
Gary Smith
- Topband: Jack SK
Johann Bruinier
- Topband: lack of 160 activity
- Topband: lack of 160 activity
w5zn at w5zn.org
- Topband: lack of 160 activity
Mark Lunday
- Topband: lack of 160 activity
Michael Walker
- Topband: lack of 160 activity
Edward Sawyer
- Topband: lack of 160 activity
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: Lack of 160M activity
Charles Otnott
- Topband: Loss Question
Chortek, Robert L.
- Topband: Loss Question
Wes Stewart
- Topband: Loss Question
Mike Waters
- Topband: Loss Question
Chortek, Robert L.
- Topband: Loss Question
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Loss Question
Wes Stewart
- Topband: Loss Question
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Loss Question
Wes Stewart
- Topband: Loss Question
Chortek, Robert L.
- Topband: Loss Question
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Mixed RF grounds
g4sgx at justfans.co.uk
- Topband: Mixed RF grounds
Mike Waters
- Topband: Mixed RF grounds
Chortek, Robert L.
- Topband: Mixed RF grounds
Mike Waters
- Topband: Mixed RF grounds
Mike Waters
- Topband: Mixed RF grounds
Dennis OConnor
- Topband: Mixed RF grounds
Mike Waters
- Topband: Mixed RF grounds
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Multiband antenna Inv L or top loaded vertical
John Randall
- Topband: Multiband antenna Inv L or top loaded vertical
Mike Waters
- Topband: Paddle keying
John Randall
- Topband: Paddle keying
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: Paddle keying
Gary Smith
- Topband: Paddle keying
Mike Waters
- Topband: Pre Stew - radio recordings
Peter Sundberg
- Topband: PreStew / LowBand Jack (VE1ZZ) scores
- Topband: PreStew / LowBand Jack (VE1ZZ) scores
Mike Smith VE9AA
- Topband: PreStew / LowBand Jack results
- Topband: PreStew coming up soon
- Topband: PreStew coming up tomorrow
- Topband: PreStew coming up tomorrow
wa8wzg at wa8wzg.net
- Topband: Radial length
Buzz Jehle
- Topband: Radial length
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Radial length
Dan Maguire
- Topband: Radial length
Raymond Benny
- Topband: Radial length - Oops
Dan Maguire
- Topband: Re VE1ZZ (SK) and LA3XI (SK)
Phil Hartwell
- Topband: RG6 connectors and installation
Ed Stallman
- Topband: RG6 connectors and installation
Ed Stallman
- Topband: RG6 connectors and installation
Rob Atkinson
- Topband: Shunt feeding AB-577/621
- Topband: Shunt feeding AB-577/621
Joe Subich, W4TV
- Topband: Shunt feeding AB-577/621
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Shunt feeding AB-577/621
Dick Green WC1M
- Topband: Shunt feeding AB-577/621
k8gg at voyager.net
- Topband: Some Early Topband Comments...What happened to DX Activity?
k1zm at aol.com
- Topband: Stew Perry Contest
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: Stew Perry Contest
- Topband: Stew Perry Contest
Ilmo Anttila
- Topband: Stew Perry Contest
Jukka Sirviö
- Topband: Story of the injured tower climber explaning to his insurance company
terry burge
- Topband: Suggestion
Mike Waters
- Topband: The band works!!
- Topband: The band works!!
daraymond at iowatelecom.net
- Topband: The band works!!
Thomas Hoyer
- Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 190, Issue 26
Steve Sacco NN4X
- Topband: Topband season looking good
Raoul Coetzee
- Topband: Topband sesson looking good
Ashraf Chaabane
- Topband: Tributes to VE1ZZ
Steve Ireland
- Topband: trying to tune up 80 meter 4-Square
terry burge
- Topband: trying to tune up 80 meter 4-Square
Wayne Kline
- Topband: trying to tune up 80 meter 4-Square
daraymond at iowatelecom.net
- Topband: trying to tune up 80 meter 4-Square
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: trying to tune up 80 meter 4-Square
Dick Green WC1M
- Topband: trying to tune up 80 meter 4-Square
- Topband: trying to tune up 80 meter 4-Square
Dick Green WC1M
- Topband: trying to tune up 80 meter 4-Square
Joe Subich, W4TV
- Topband: trying to tune up 80 meter 4-Square
Wes Stewart
- Topband: trying to tune up 80 meter 4-Square
terry burge
- Topband: VE1ZZ (SK)
Phil Hartwell
- Topband: VE1ZZ (SK) and LA3XI (SK)
- Topband: VE1ZZ, etc
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
k1zm at aol.com
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
Dmitry Belousov
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
Ian Fugler
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
Chris G3SVL
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
Gary Smith
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
Petr Ourednik
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
Mike Smith VE9AA
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
Wolfgang Wessely
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
terry burge
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
Anthony K2SG
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
Jon Zaimes
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
rgarrett5 at comcast.net
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
Peter Voelpel
- Topband: VE1ZZ has passed on - Very Very Sad news! (Long)
Brian Campbell
- Topband: VE1ZZ Local Obituary
k1zm at aol.com
- Topband: VE1ZZ Nite
- Topband: VE1ZZ Nite
- Topband: VE1ZZ Nite
Petr Ourednik
- Topband: VE1ZZ Nite
daraymond at iowatelecom.net
- Topband: VE1ZZ Nite
Mike Smith VE9AA
- Topband: VE1ZZ Nite
Mike Smith VE9AA
- Topband: VE1ZZ Nite
- Topband: VE1ZZ Nite
Mike Waters
- Topband: VE1ZZ sk
Patrik Hrvatin
- Topband: VE1ZZ sk
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: VE1ZZ SK
Yuri Blanarovich
- Topband: VE1ZZ SK
- Topband: VE1ZZ SK
- Topband: VP6D
David Olean
- Topband: VP6D
- Topband: VP6D
Grant Saviers
- Topband: VP6D
Wes Stewart
- Topband: VP6D
Dave Hollander
- Topband: VP6D
Jean-Paul Albert
- Topband: VP6D
- Topband: VP6D
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: VP6D
Jeff Blaine
- Topband: VP6D EU Run 10-24-2018
- Topband: VP6D Monday Night @ P40W
John Crovelli
- Topband: VP6D Monday Night @ P40W
cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- Topband: VP6D Monday Night @ P40W
John Harden
- Topband: WD1-A as radials
- Topband: WD1-A as radials
Roger Parsons
- Topband: WD1-A as radials
Nathan Moreschi
- Topband: WD1-A as radials
Eduardo Araujo
- Topband: WD1-A as radials
F Z_Bruce
- Topband: Why no NA 160m Activity?
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: Why no NA 160m Activity?
daraymond at iowatelecom.net
- Topband: Why no NA 160m Activity?
Mark K3MSB
- Topband: Why no NA 160m Activity?
Wes Stewart
- Topband: Why no NA 160m Activity?
Paul Kiesel
- Topband: Why no NA 160m Activity?
Thomas Hoyer
- Topband: Why no NA 160m Activity?
Sean Waite
- Topband: Why no NA 160m Activity?
Gary Smith
- Topband: Why no NA 160m Activity?
Clive GM3POI
- Topband: Why no NA 160m Activity?
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: Why no NA 160m Activity?
pa5mw at home.nl
- Topband: Why no NA 160m Activity?
Arthur Delibert
- Topband: Why no NA 160m Activity?
- Topband: Why no NA 160m Activity?
Michael Walker
- Topband: Working LP from VK6 to the USA - season approaches
Steve Ireland
- Topband: Working LP from VK6 to the USA - season approaches
Edward Sawyer
- Topband: Working LP from VK6 to the USA - season approaches
Mark K3MSB
- Topband: yes virginia there is an antenna that works from 160 to 10
- Topband: yes virginia there is an antenna that works from 160 to 10
Sean Waite
- Topband: yes virginia there is an antenna that works from 160 to 10
Mike Waters
Last message date:
Wed Oct 31 15:25:49 EDT 2018
Archived on: Wed Oct 31 15:26:06 EDT 2018
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).