Topband: Loss Question

Wes Stewart wes_n7ws at
Thu Oct 25 13:58:07 EDT 2018

Here's a bit more from Dan, AC6LA, about this:

Wes  N7Ws

On 10/25/2018 10:49 AM, Chortek, Robert L. wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> That just goes so show you how little I know!  I assumed, apparently incorrectly, that there was some loss IN ADDITION to the transmission line loss (which I know how to calculate).  In other words, I thought that if my transmitter was connected directly to the antenna there would be some mismatch loss and that as soon as I added coax, then ADDITIONAL transmission line loss would be added and the TOTAL loss would be the sum of the two components.  I infer from the responses that the loss is only the transmission line loss (aside from whatever efficiency losses are in the system due to the type of loading, resistance between connections, conductor loss, ground loss, etc., etc.).
> Thanks for your reply!
> 73, es DX,
> Bob/AA6VB
> ________________________________
> From: Mike Waters <mikewate at>
> Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2018 10:43 AM
> To: Chortek, Robert L.
> Cc: topband
> Subject: Re: Topband: Loss Question
> It is impossible to answer you without knowing the length and type of coax. :-)
> 73, Mike
> WØBTU's Radio Communication Technical Articles and File ...<>
> Amateur radio technical information by Mike Waters, W0BTU
> On Thu, Oct 25, 2018, 12:24 PM Chortek, Robert L. <Robert.Chortek at<mailto:Robert.Chortek at>> wrote:
> Does anyone know how much power would be lost if a resonant antenna with an Impedance of say, e.g.  36 Ohms is fed  with 50 Ohm coax?  Is there a good source where I could look up this kind of information?
> Thanks!
> Bob/AA6VB
> _________________
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