Topband: RE topband Leaving

Jim Thomson jim.thom at
Wed Sep 5 13:01:51 EDT 2018

Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2018 06:13:21 -0400
From: Mark K3MSB <mark.k3msb at>
To: Mike Waters <mikewate at>
Cc: ad4hk2004 at, topband <topband at>, Tree
<tree at>
Subject: Re: Topband: RE topband Leaving

<I had to go rummage around my Trash folder to find the original post that
<started this from the FT8 arguments in addition to the "millennials causing
<the WWV shutdown" argument, it appears that the parts of the hobby that I
<enjoy do not cross paths with those on the topband reflector. Although I
<wish you all many CW DX, it appears that I am no longer welcome and that I
<must take my leave.?

<I've no idea what the millennial and WWV comment is about as I did not
<follow that thread.

<So we're back to the old FT8 vs CW argument.    Was this person
<specifically harassed and hunted down for his views?   Shame on the
<moderators if that's what happened.    Or, did ?the leaver? just not feel
<welcomed because others expressed contrary views and wouldn't back off?

<73 Mark K3MSB

##  I went through it all with a microscope.   The fellow in question needs
thicker skin, its a simple as that.   On some of the car forums I belong  to,
like the mustang forum, you require really thick skin.  

##  Everybody is entitled to  an observation,  comment, point of view,
counter argument, etc, etc.   I just laughed at the.. millennials causing the 
wwv shut down...... they have nothing to do with it of course.   It was most likely
..tongue in cheek.   I use  wwv to align my tcxos... using the 20 mhz  wwv  as
1st choice....and  15 mhz  wwv as 2nd choice. 

##  FT8  vs  cw.  No brainer there folks.  FT8 is a game changer...whether you 
grasp the concept..or not.  Too bad, so sad. 

##  Remote station  on a quiet hilltop.. vs postage stamp sized noisy city lot..
same deal.   But  remote  RX  is a big no no.  1.5 kw into  a 200 ft tall stacked array on
upper bands is ok.... but  5 kw into a dipole is a no-no.  Both those last 2 make no sense to
me at all.  ERP makes more sense.    Why is a remote  RX  a no-no... but a complete
RX- TX  remote station ok ?   Who makes these rules ? 

##  W8JI is a smart  fellow... but he still doesnt  know how to construct or design a real 
CM  choke...that actually works and doesnt blow up.   
Folks could easily hear his  2nd harmonic on much for the harmonic suppression
in the amps used.  He got a lot of it right... and a lot of it is out to lunch.  His arguments 
against the use of  ESSB  are flawed... unless you use the  W8JI  convoluted  2 tone test,
with  extreme tone spacing..which is the only way to get  simultaneous   high and low freqs.
The only other method is program  rock n roll.   Plane voice wont do it.   

##  But thats  all water under the bridge.   WWV is not about to get shut down anytime soon. 
Nor is  FT8  going to be a passing fad.   Its here to stay.   What do you use to send cw.. a 
vibroplex..or a keyboard ?   Whats next..outlaw skimmers ?   Just ignore it.

Jim   VE7RF

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