Topband: AA0RS sig in EU

daraymond at daraymond at
Tue Sep 11 16:58:04 EDT 2018

Greetings Topbanders. . .Wolf is right.  Get out phones and fire up the 
filaments!  I got on TB this morning for the first time this season (just 
got the antennas recommissioned after lightning season) and worked VK7CW, 
VK5XDX, VK2WF, and VK3HJ.  No sign of our good friends from JA yet but 
things are looking up!           73. . .Dave, W0FLS

-----Original Message----- 
From: Dr. Wolf Ostwald
Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2018 2:35 PM
To: topband at
Subject: Topband: AA0RS sig in EU

Hello !

it seems that slowly the band nw opens up. Dave had a workable signal
this morning into EU. It was a kind of 1 minute QSB intervall. And on
the peak he was 549. But he came back to the second call .

In them ol`days we used to work the westcoast by the third weekend in
September. But from what i experienced the last years, we have less stns
capable of bridging the continent and another ocean.

Its about time everybody brings up the filaments and wears the
headphones again.

see u guys down there         wolf    df2py

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