Topband: AA0RS sig in EU

K9FD merv.k9fd at
Tue Sep 11 19:10:32 EDT 2018

I find part of the problem to be many hams are willing to spend 10,000 
dollars for a new
SDR radio,  and 50 cents on a decent antenna.  and wonder why they have 
no propagation.

Merv K9FD/KH6

> Hello !
> it seems that slowly the band nw opens up. Dave had a workable signal 
> this morning into EU. It was a kind of 1 minute QSB intervall. And on 
> the peak he was 549. But he came back to the second call .
> In them ol`days we used to work the westcoast by the third weekend in 
> September. But from what i experienced the last years, we have less 
> stns capable of bridging the continent and another ocean.
> Its about time everybody brings up the filaments and wears the 
> headphones again.
> see u guys down there         wolf    df2py
> _________________
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