Topband: propagation in reply of real antennas for topband comments

Bryon Paul Veal NØAH bryonveal at
Tue Sep 11 22:19:55 EDT 2018

No propagation? Just remote in where the signal you need is on ground wave! We don't need no stinking real men antennas....and apparently no one is at the switch of the ARRL DXCC desk to care.  They are too busy rearranging the chairs on the Titanic.  Not a popular view (I know) but I can assure you there is some reality with our times right now.....I think a lot of old timers hiding in the woodwork are trying get those topband DXCC numbers up in their sunset years bu any means, excuse the pun.

Paul. N0AH

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From: Topband <topband-bounces at> on behalf of K9FD <merv.k9fd at>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 5:10:32 PM
To: topband at
Subject: Re: Topband: AA0RS sig in EU

I find part of the problem to be many hams are willing to spend 10,000
dollars for a new
SDR radio,  and 50 cents on a decent antenna.  and wonder why they have
no propagation.

Merv K9FD/KH6

> Hello !
> it seems that slowly the band nw opens up. Dave had a workable signal
> this morning into EU. It was a kind of 1 minute QSB intervall. And on
> the peak he was 549. But he came back to the second call .
> In them ol`days we used to work the westcoast by the third weekend in
> September. But from what i experienced the last years, we have less
> stns capable of bridging the continent and another ocean.
> Its about time everybody brings up the filaments and wears the
> headphones again.
> see u guys down there         wolf    df2py
> _________________
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