Topband: 160m antenna help

Clive GM3POI clive at
Fri Sep 21 17:47:30 EDT 2018

Paul we know your problem is that the ground losses with your system are probably at least twice what they would be with less radial issues. Removing the L and making it a T would gain you the most. You just do not need any horizontal polarisation.

How high is the end of the L? The higher the better and a T better still.  73 Clive GM3POI


From: Paul Mclaren [mailto:paul.mcl at] 
Sent: 21 September 2018 21:28
To: Clive GM3POI; 'Topband'
Subject: RE: Topband: 160m antenna help


Clive, Stan,

I had followed the thread the other day but wasn’t 100% sure if the answer was the same as my analyser reading were quite a bit different.


All points noted so will try the hairpin and see what that reports back.


I am getting out and working stations just want to do it a bit better or at least make sure I am doing the best I can manage.






From: Clive GM3POI <mailto:clive at> 
Sent: 21 September 2018 22:14
To: 'Topband' <mailto:topband at> 
Subject: Re: Topband: 160m antenna help


Paul this was covered a few days ago. Aim to resonate the L  at approx.

1.9mhz then put a hairpin coil across the feed point, somewhere in the

region of 2.5 microhenries. Then if needed adjust the horizontal  part of

the L and the coil.  I used a variable inductance to get the needed value

here with a 20m vertical and two top loading wires. Then replaced the

correct adjusted coil value with a fixed coil.

If you have room for a T even if its inverted that would be better to save

unwanted horizontal polarisation from your L.

If you need further info send me an email off ref'    73 Clive GM3POI 


-----Original Message-----

From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of Paul


Sent: 21 September 2018 20:24

To: wa5rtg at; Topband

Subject: Re: Topband: 160m antenna help




Thanks and another daft question.....what sort of wire would recommend for

the coil?






On Fri, 21 Sep 2018, 21:20 Stan Stockton, <wa5rtg at> wrote:


> Paul,


> The antenna is too short since you want to operate at 1825.  Make it

> longer by about four feet.


> Then wind a coil that will probably have 20-30 turns of wire and maybe 3

> inches diameter and connect one end to the bottom of the antenna and the

> other end to your radials.


> You will have to experiment with the number if turns on this hairpin but

> you are trying to bring the R up to about 50 where you will see a nearly

> perfect match.


> 73...Stan, K5GO/ZF9CW


> On Fri, Sep 21, 2018, 3:07 PM Paul Mclaren <paul.mcl at> wrote:


>> Looking for the advice of the experienced hams for what if anything I

>> should do to make my 160m inverted L more efficient.   Being realistic I

>> am

>> limited as I have a postage stamp garden so can't really lay more radials

>> or change much beyond the inverted L.  I guess the question is would some

>> sort of match at the base help?


>> Antenna is inverted L with 18m vertical section


>> Radials are approx 40 x 10m lengths and a layer of copper mesh out to

>> about

>> 5 metres from the base as well.


>> Using my RigExpert AA30 analyser the readings are:


>> Usual TX frequency:


>> Freq 1825khz:    SWR: 2.6, R33ohm, X 31ohm, Z 44ohm, L: 2700nH



>> Lowest SWR is:


>> Freq 1882kHz:   SWR 1.7, R72.5ohm, X20.5ohm, Z77ohm, L: 1900nH


>> I'll be honest and confess I don't fully understand how to best optimise

>> the antenna and what "good" looks like particularly on the low bands.


>> Help please and thanks in advance.


>> Regards


>> Paul MM0ZBH


>> The antenna works but no

>> _________________

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