Topband: Lack of Activity

Wed Feb 13 17:25:36 EST 2019

On Monday night I worked about 50 EU station from C6AGU. There was good 
activity all around. Last night (Tue) was very noisy here (and probably most 
of the SE US) with nasty lightning crashes. It is somewhat similar tonight.

Starting about 2 hours before my sunset, I heard dozens of EU stations 
calling the V8.

C6AGU will be on 160 most of the night (both CW and FT8)  and we welcome 
signal reports as we are testing some new equipment.
CU on 160!

On Wed, 13 Feb 2019 20:17:14 -0000
  "Roger Kennedy" <roger at> wrote:
> I've been off the air for a few weeks, due to personal issues . . . but
> started coming back on 160m . . .
> But it's SO frustrating . . . I'm often seeing my RBN reports from North
> American stations peaking 30 to 40 dB above the noise . . . yet I'm lucky to
> have 1 or 2 actual QSOs !
> I'll hear hundreds of DX stations on the band calling a DX-pedition . . .
> but then they'll disappear again. Is that all you want to do, come on the
> band to just work ONE station?!  I find that ridiculous . . . actually it
> makes me very sad for the future of the hobby.
> The same goes for contests . . . hundreds of stations on 160m . . . but then
> silence the rest of the time !
> And all the people that complain that the only stations that seem to be on
> are using FT8 . . . well if you actually came on CW, there would be a lot
> more activity.
> I'm going to suggest what I suggested last winter . . . a Wednesday 160m DX
> Activity Night.  It worked last year . . . a lot of North American stations
> actually came on the band (and that brought lots more Europeans on too)
> Saturday Night/Sunday Morning always used to be the main night for 160m DX
> contacts too . . . but again the band is very quiet these days (even when
> RBN shows there's good propagation)
> So I'll be on the band tonight from around 2330Z looking for any contacts .
> . . 
> Roger G3YRO
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