Topband: Lack of Activity

W7RH midnight18 at
Thu Feb 14 16:00:21 EST 2019

Roger and group,

It's not your imagination, activity on CW has been very low. Add to that 
propagation has been absolutely horrid all season from a left coast 
perspective. While some northern folks have been able to get a hop under 
the aurora curtain it just is not possible from my Arizona location. I 
can appreciate the joy of the eastern stations working EU. Out west it's 
our equivalent of working the east coast. 4000 km vs. 8000 km.

The last two openings that were very good were in mid and late December. 
Since that time I have had only 4 EU QSOs. Meanwhile only a _few JA,UA0 
and HL5IVL_ have been active. XX9D has been on in the morning with great 
SR signal but due to location and antenna restrictions his noise level 
is not penetrable. The trans-equatorial path has been quite good here. 
VK3IO solid S9 and V84SAA S9 both near sunrise this morning. They all 
have been worked leaving nothing else to do. There are only limited 
number of stations active the western pacific and all of those are 
15,000 km away!

I have joined the group of K7ZV, W0FLS, AA0RS, N7XM and K0RF calling CQ 
with no response inside JA window morning after morning. Even 
propagation to JA has been spotty, with little activity. Add to that 
I've worked one new entity this winter. Guess what? QSL direct only. The 
unmarked envelope with card and green stamps was pilfered in the mail.

As always I'll be a Top Band die hard as well. I retired in February 
2017 and listen almost everyday at Sun rise and Sunset. Changing the 
active aurora is beyond my powers no matter how much effort in antenna 
system or even power for the matter.

CU all on top band. The ARRL DX CW contest is really the last 
opportunity from out west. By and large the worst top band season I've 
seen in a long time....


Bob, W7RH

Bob, W7RH

W7RH DM35os

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." - Albert Einstein

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