Topband: Lack of QSO's

John Randall m0els at
Sat Feb 16 17:33:40 EST 2019

You guys in the US and elsewhere don't  realize that not everyone has the space as you do, nor the power levels. Besides who wants to work ft8 or indeed machine CW?
Who wants to stay up late or get up early to catch the tide? Not everyone wants 59 Tu QSO, even on topband and most people detest contests and such like activity's. I heard a station say that he had his licence for a year and has 60 thousand QSO's. I have one thousand after 30 years. 
What I am saying, is that  for most people top and is a hindrance for one reason or another.Besides, there is more to life than topband when we get older
73John M0ELS

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