Topband: CQ160 Conditions

Mark Schoonover mark at
Mon Jan 28 23:00:56 EST 2019

I did about 10 hours of the contest from DM12. Ended up with ~4000
points better than last year. A few 6s, a single 8, but no KH/KL or EU
stations. Worked pretty much all of VEs but one special was VO2AC,
best DX PJ2T, with a CO2 not too far behind. Was hoping to find D4C
but no luck. TX antenna is a 36' wire vertical with a 1024 sqft
caphat. RX antenna W6LVP receive only loop, IC-7600 barefoot putting
it all together.

73! Mark KA6WKE

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On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 5:52 PM Kenneth Grimm <grimm at> wrote:
> I agree that conditions were a long way from being  ideal.  Friday was less
> ideal than Saturday.  However, from here in Virginia I managed to work 20
> sixes, 33 sevens and 60 fives and that with a very good beverage pointed at
> Europe.  If I heard a weak signal answering my CQ and I was having
> difficulty getting the call, I would quickly switch directions on the
> beverage and it was frequently someone from "beyond the midwest." It was
> embarrassing to ask for repeats from stations that were then quite strong.
> Europeans were tough on Friday and a little easier on Saturday.  There were
> a few that I could hear that were alligators.  I worked 41 in zone 14, 45
> in zone 15.  This is about half of what I did in last year's contest. So,
> no, it wasn't the greatest ever for me either....on the other hand, I had
> the pleasure of exchanging reports with K6RK, W0FLS, W5ZN and VE9AA amongst
> the others.  Thanks for those Qs and I hope to see you all again in future
> 160 tests!
> 73,
> Ken - K4XL
> _________________
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