Topband: CQ160 Conditions

fmoeves at fmoeves at
Tue Jan 29 12:04:27 EST 2019

I made 138 contacts in two days with my little squirt gun station here.
The highlight for me was KH6LE my first KH6 contact on 160.. thanks Lloyd.
Few other highlights were TA1K P40AA LX7I C6AGU PJ4P…

Heard and tried to work some EU stations but could not be heard.

I was running  500 to 800 watts... invertered L with 34 radials… IC-7300
Receive antenna was unterminated 500’ beverage that I threw up late last year.

It works pretty good for a last minute antenna..I'll probably terminate it when it warms up.
Ky winters are generally muddy so I'll wait..although as I type this it's the temp 18f and falling.


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