Topband: Trans-polar recovering

VE6WZ_Steve ve6wz at
Sat Nov 2 11:44:55 EDT 2019

The band is starting to recover from the last solar blast.
18 EU made it into the log last night from 0400 to 0600z some with exceptional signals.

I was out with the xyl and did not get to the radio till about 0400z.
At any one time the band would appear dead and devoid of any traces or signals for several minutes, but the deep QSB gradually revealed many callers and CQs on the band throughout the night.  

I am still waiting for the trans-polar path to open up at my morning time.  Vlad RA4LW has been CQing around 1300-1400z, but no signals yet.
Perhaps condx will improve even more over the next week.

73, de steve ve6wz

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