Topband: Remote operation

Artek Manuals Manuals at
Sun Oct 13 15:33:20 EDT 2019


What is killing amateur radio is that for most young people it is not 
relevant. When you can chat face to face anywhere in the world with a PC 
and cell phone they ( understandably) don't see the attraction or 
experience the thrill of hanging up a wire and waiting for 
sunset/sunrise for that 10 min opening to send a few snippets of text 
via Morse code through the noise with� someone on the other side of the 
planet. Many aspects of amateur radio have become curious anachronism's 
like sewing your own clothes and making you own butter. We are killing 
amateur not with FT8 but with our own worn out genes because those of us 
who practice "the old ways" are dying and soon we will be dying at a 
faster rate than younger players will coming to experience the ritual of 
Wouf hong (sp?)


On 10/13/2019 2:15 PM, w5zn at wrote:
> OK I'm confused......was it remotes or FT8 that killed amateur radio?? 
> Or maybe the 50 other chicken little proclamations that did?
> I need professional help to sort this all out (that's a given, so 
> please don't comment on that condition!)
> 73 Joel W5ZN
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