Topband: Windows 10 Update heads up

Phil Duff na4m at
Fri Aug 14 15:46:20 EDT 2020

I've 2 Dell Windows 10 Home systems in shack.  1 connected to my K3 and 
dedicated to ham radio tasks.  The other for general purpose use.

No driver, USB prefs, connection, or any other problems with either of 
them and I keep both updated.  I'm no W10 or MS fanboy but my W10 
systems have been trouble-free whereas my old recently retired iMac 
required reboot at least daily for system freezes.

While W10 Home updates can't be turned off the update frequency can be 
managed by delaying updates up to 35 days.


Phil NA4M

On 2020-08-14 2:13 PM, W7RH wrote:
> Regarding Windows 10 updates, who has not experienced the wrath of 
> changed driver, relocated USB preferences and lost connections to 
> devices. Unless you have the purchased professional  product you can 
> not turn of the updates all the way around.
-. .- ....- --
Phil Duff
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