Topband: PL259 type connectors for RG11

Ken K6MR k6mr at
Thu Apr 8 15:53:46 EDT 2021

The PL-259 is not a constant impedance connector.  It works fine on either cable.  And yes, crimp is a whole lot easier.  Solder the center pin and you will be golden.

Ken K6MR

From: Raymond Benny<mailto:rayn6vr at>
Sent: Thursday, April 8, 2021 12:23
To: 160<mailto:topband at>
Subject: Topband: PL259 type connectors for RG11

I'm in the process of building a vertical phased antenna system for 80m and
160m. I am looking to purchase some crimp type connectors to build the
phasing lines but have not found any. RF Parts does not have them.

Somewhere online, it was suggested I use the typical RG8 /213 crimp-on
connector instead and wonder if this is OK? I do know that the center
conductor is smaller in diameter than common RG8/213 cable. Would this make
a difference?  It seems to me that in the past I did use the standard PL259
and soldered the center conductor and braid, but I'd rather use crimp-on
type connectors instead.

Any thoughts or other sources for RG11 type PL259 connectors? I did try
google and eBay, but they all ended up showing either RG6 or 'N' type

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