Topband: JT5DX - JT1CO confirmations

Joel Harrison w5zn at
Fri Sep 10 14:57:36 EDT 2021

Thanks Wes. My information was based on comments from Jeff, K1ZM, when he and Krassy were there a couple years ago for a 160 op. 

Good to see he’s doing some now.

73 Joel W5ZN

> On Sep 10, 2021, at 12:46 PM, Wes <wes_n7ws at> wrote:
> Not quite true.  Chak has uploaded some logs to LoTW and some to ClubLog, although he doesn't use OQRS.
> LoTW:  Last upload for *JT1CO*: 2019-04-16 07:38:53Z
> ClubLog: 58,892 QSOs logged between 1998-02-26 07:55Z and 2021-01-07 15:07Z
> The ClubLog is nowhere near complete however.  Only one of my QSOs is shown yet I have three confirmed by LoTW and have three others via paper QSLs.  I wish any one of those was for my topband QSO but no luck yet.
> Wes  N7WS
>> On 9/10/2021 5:39 AM, w5zn at wrote:
>> Greetings Jorge,
>> Chak only uses paper QSL cards and does not use LoTW or Club Log. He does an excellent job responding to QSL requests though. His wife usually handles that for him. The current Covid situation has impacted postal service mail delivery and cards to/from Chak, as with many places, and have been delayed over the past year.
>> If you haven't sent a paper QSL card, I would recommend that route.
>> 73 Joel W5ZN
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