Topband: K9AY Loop Questions

Roger Kennedy roger at
Fri Jan 7 06:23:04 EST 2022

Sadly I don't have room for ANY kind of Pennant or SAL Receive antenna, let
alone a Beverage or Loop on the Ground (hence my 6ft Rx Loop in the Loft) .
. . 

But I picked up on people saying that EZNEC doesn't model these antennas
near the ground very well.

I actually believe that EZNEC's predictions for a 160m Dipole near the
ground (like mine is at 50ft) are also very wrong . . . given that I have no
wires on the ground under the antenna, it really has no way of knowing what
is really under the antenna, especially as you go deeper.

These days I always monitor RBN when on Top Band looking for DX . . . and I
notice that my signal in NA is usually very comparable with most of the
other Gs, who are all using decent verticals.

I think part of the reason is that DX Propagation on 160 is usually much
higher angle than on 80m . . . but I also think that there is more low angle
radiation from my Dipole than EZNEC would suggest !

Roger G3YRO

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