Topband: What antenna would you build?

Mike VE9AA ve9aa at
Thu Mar 24 10:27:27 EDT 2022

I like 4-squares Dino.  I have them on 15, 20, 40, 80 and a small 2-el 
on 160...

I'm still looking for an ACB-10 (10 meters) (or equivalent) to complete 
the whole set.

If it were me, I'd build whatever it is VY2ZM is using. ( or 
2nd choice, K3LR


Mike VE9AA
If you may and you are willing to indulge me; if you were about to buy 
with no neighbors or restrictions and wanted to erect a serious 160M 
system, what would you build and why? We can pass on the Radio Arcala
discussion; nobody's that cool.
A loaded 4-square? 1/4 wave stick (or longer)? Phased dipoles? (fill in 
I've seen a 200' tower with three phased dipoles tilted on end. The end 
of one
side of the dipole was anchored and insulated at the top of the tower 
and came
down like guy cables. About half way down was the feedpoint, were an 
anchor cable continued down the same path to ground (like a guy cable).
However, the second half of the dipole was pulled back to the base of 
tower, from the center feedpoint insulator. It looked like an arrowboard
chevron or a regular dipole that was turned 90 degrees on its side. The 
was horizontal back to the tower. There were three of these spaced 120 
apart and fed with a phasing network to steer it. I understand it works 
So what would you build?
Dino - KX6D

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