Topband: remotes

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at
Tue Feb 6 07:51:03 EST 2024

I knew it was all over many years ago when I worked a 20dB/9 Italian station
around Sunrise here in one 160m contest. (1pm in Italy)


I have never applied for DXCC.  I know what I worked and keep track of it
here locally.  I am the only person who really

cares what all the numbers are and since the ARRL DXCC program has (imo)
become so watered down in the last couple decades there is little reason to
ever apply.


Be happy with who you see in the mirror every morning and celebrate those
around you who are doing it the way that appeals to you.  For those that
aren't.well, don't concern yourself with them.  They don't diminish what
you've done.


73 Mike VE9AA


Mike - Keswick Ridge, NB, Canada 


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