Topband: CY9C big signal tonight!

Steve Harrison k0xp at
Wed Sep 4 23:49:43 EDT 2024

Hopefully, they'll switch back to CW before long. Right now, I don't
even see a trace of them on digital.

I wonder what precipitated their simultaneous shutdown on 10/12/15m CW
earlier this morning?? They had just begun becoming loud enough for me
to think about trying to call them at last on 12m. At first, I figured
they quit probly to start taking down antlers. Maybe they did, since
they've never shown up again on 10 or 12m CW, just 15m. Their last
published schedule seems to indicate they intend to quit entirely at
about 10Z this morning to "take down antennas" and the first chopper
load back to the mainland will be only four hours later, at 14Z.

I did finally work them on 80m last night. They were no stronger than
they had been on previous nights; yet he didn't seem to have any trouble
copying me last night. Turns out I didn't need them on 80m anyway, as I
worked CY9C back in 2019 on 80/40/30m from Mission Viejo with my little
58-foot wire into a pine tree and 100W under the noses of the local
community HOA 8-)

... which brings up another lingering question in my mind. The ARRL has
long insisted that any DXpedition must have all correct "paperwork",
permits, permissions, etc. in order for a DXpedition to be counted in
the DXCC program. Why would that not also apply to those of us on the
other side of the coin, operating from home?? In other words, if you're
operating an illicit station with non-permitted antennas in a HOA-ruled
community, would not all your QSOs be considered "illegal" and thus,
invalid??  ?8-/

Steve, K0XP

On 9/4/2024 8:02 PM, Mike Fatchett W0MU wrote:
> Big signal on FT8 NOW!  Thanks new band!
> W0MU
> On 9/4/2024 7:00 PM, Mike Fatchett W0MU wrote:
>> Heard them on and off last night.  Lots of QSB.  At times they were
>> quite loud.  They CQed into many callers at times.  I guess they were
>> not hearing well.  I never did break through with my bottom loaded
>> 80m vertical for 160.  I worked N5J easily with the same setup.   I
>> am sure FT8 would have worked last night.  Till next time!
>> W0MU Mike
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