raising top of cement tower base

BK1ZX70SFL@aol.com BK1ZX70SFL@aol.com
Wed, 31 Jul 1996 21:59:42 -0400

well, some guys just have really lame concrete pours for bases...you as
someone looking to enhance your concrete pour sound like you are "going

Depending on how professional you want to get there is a really slick way to
go that is a lil pricey.

I know you live where the ground is rock, but I am sure you have seen them
driving concrete pilings to support high rise buildings.

Those pilings are never long enough in themselves to get deep enough to grant
the amount of support necessary to do the job....so, how do they get down to
terra firma (isn't that LU/F) well - they glue the pilings together end to
end....simple enough solution, eh? Glue!

There are two part commercial epoxies that you can butter on an existing
surface prior to adding another pour.

I would recommend you contact a supplier of concrete related chemical
products, easily found in the Yellow Pages - form releases are their main
stock in trade, but if an outfit supplies that they also will be selling
construction epoxies.

This is the super way-serious approach - since you only have probably 10 or
so sq ft of surface at the top of the current base it shouldn't be a lot of
goo that you need!

Your current situation in addition to being bad since it is standing water,
is standing water alongside the tower legs and you are wise to try and
eliminate it.  Before you go to the pour be sure to coat the tower legs with
a coating, probably asphalt base (W3LPL what was it you used?) then proceed.
Get the height up there and trowel it a lot - this will make it no longer a
home for that water.  The long session of trowelling will force the
concrete's coarse agregate (stones) deeper into the pour and the finer
components of the mix will rise - they are more condusive to a final product
that is smoother....and if you really wanna go all the way there is the
option of painting the concrete with waterproofing.....

Be sure to have the surface at a slight pitch so that it encourages the water
to run off the side of your pour.  Of course after all this you have to have
some plastic letters and numbers to emboss a secret code into the pour....you
probably need some K's, 1's, V's, U's and T's....unless like myself you are
awaiting Gate Two!


Jim zx
