coax balun on PVC form?
Big Don
Sun, 11 Aug 1996 09:24:00 -0700 (PDT)
On Sun, 11 Aug 1996, Pete Smith wrote:
> I recently read an article that says that coax baluns work much better,
> particularly at lower frequencies, when wound flat on some sort of tubular
> form rather than "bundled" as we typically do. The article discussed
> measured characteristics at various frequencies and concluded that the
> traditional "hank of coax" might not be very effective below 14 mHz.
It is possible to make these without a form by strategic use of
electrical tape. On our 40-2CD, the balun is built exactly according to
the instructions (12 turns on a 6" dia) in a "flat wound" configuration,
like the sketch in the instructions (without any plastic form) and the
antenna has worked great.
Figure on spending about an hour to make one this way.
Big Don