40-2CD element lengths

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Mon, 26 Aug 1996 11:53:08 -0400

In a message dated 96-08-26 09:21:31 EDT, you write:

>I recall reading a number of comments regarding the preferred element
>which provide best match over the CW and Phone portions.  It seems like the
>factory lengths for mid band coverage are biased to the phone end?  
>I would appreciate comments on what is deemed most appropriate!

Hello, Jack --

    Yes, I will pass along to you the LXC "secret dimensions". The 402CD has
phone, mid and cw dimensions.  Split the difference between mid and cw and
you'll be all set.  That will give you 2:1 points at 7.000 and 7.250.  Any
other setting won't give you this much usability.  Works every time.  Should
resonate around 7.075.

     BTW, you may want to check out TowerTalk, the tower and antenna
reflector.  Lots of interesting and knowledgeable folks hang out there and
this is just the type of info that is available.  Send a message to
towertalk-request@akorn.net with subscribe in the message and you'll be all
set.  See you there!

73 and good luck,  Steve   K7LXC

    TOWER TECH -- professional tower supplies and services for amateurs