Stacking TH-7 & TH-5
Larry Lindblom - WA0ETC
Wed, 28 Aug 1996 10:32:36 -0500 (CDT)
I'm seeking the wisdom of the wise masses on stacking a couple of
tribanders. At present I have a 123 ft tower with a TH-3 on top (don't
laugh too loud). By bargian shopping I located a TH-7 in excellent
condition and a TH-5 (not the Mark 2) in reasonable condition. The TH-7
will go on top of the tower and I will side mount (rotatable mount) the TH-5
somewhere below it. The question is how far below the TH-7 to mount the
TH-5. If it were two TH-7s I'd go for 30 ft but in this case I'm not sure
of the spacing (especially after the NCJ article on stacking short boom
tribanders. I'll be using a stackmatch to feed them. The tower is also
used to support an 80 meter phased array of 4 "drooping dipoles" or as I
prefer to call them "vertical inverted vees" (the k8ur array in on4un's book)
Also thinkng about mounting the TH-3 below the TH-5 with it fixed on SA or
EU. Anybthoughts on the spacing of this. I know this is far from an ideal
set of antennas to stack but they were cheap.