WaterProof your Connectors!
Wed, 28 Aug 1996 17:15:20 -0400
Having been involved with DB Vapor wrap, Scotch 88 tape and
ScotchKote on hundreds on professional and amateur
antennas over the past 20 years, I would like to make
an observation.
#1 Putting a wrap or two of 88 tape on the connector and
or feedline and then putting the Vapor Wrap on top
will keep water out in 75% of the installations. Why only 75%?
Well, 25% of the time air is trapped and leaves a gap. Where
there is air, there will be water.
#2 When Vapor Wrap is put right on the connector and then
3 wraps of 88 tape are put on top, followed by ScotchKote
(left to dry for a few hours) and 1 more wrap of 88 tape,
our connections have been 100% waterproof.
#3 I have never had trouble taking Vapor Wrap off of a connector.
It takes some practice, but you can use the wrap to stick to
itself and it peals off.
#4 I have HAD trouble taking COAX SEAL off
any connector where a ham called me in to find out why water
got in his coax.
#5 If you don't put a wrap of tape over the ScotchKote you
will find that the ScotchKote will be gone in about a
year. The sun drys it up and allows it to flake away.
Put a wrap of 88 tape on top and it is there for a long time.
Tim K3LR