Radial plow
Mon, 23 Dec 1996 15:54:08 -0800
Many years ago (1980) while living on a city lot I insalled a vertical
anenna. I decided to put in a moderate number of radials (16). In
those days everyone was recommending that you use a shovel, lift the
ground, insert wire, and repeat until done. The thought of doing this
with a 6 inch wide spade for about 1056 feet of wire was more than I
could stand. Being naturally lazey, I put my oldest chain on the chain
saw, put on my goggles, fired up the chain saw, and sawed some
It beat the heck out of the shovel method. The closest thing to a
problem was my 85 year old neighbor lady who stood in her yard and just
looked at me like "why is the idiot sawing the ground."
WA0 Extra Terrific Christmas
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